Day of Ashura,Imam Hussain,Shia Muslim

Ashura-Shia-Imam Hussain-Karbala

Day of Ashura,Imam Hussain,Shia Muslim

Ashura-Shia-Imam Hussain-Karbala

Day of Ashura,Imam Hussain,Shia Muslim

He was not an ordinary man
His name was Hussain

He is the son of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib, 1st Shia Imam

He stood up against oppressors and he is a role model for freemen in the world
in sacrifice, freedom, liberty and resistance

We call him Imam, Imam means leader and rector


سه شنبه, ۲۶ آبان ۱۳۹۴، ۰۳:۳۳ ب.ظ

Every time I try expressing Imam Husayn by words, I find these words are incapable
to express themselves for him.. I said he is the right.. he is Al-kauthar(a river in heaven), ..
 I said he is the virtue. but I found him more than all of that.
Then I supplicated to Allah to inspire me a word shows the reality of Husayn,
and he inspired me to Husayn is Husayn and enough

هر زمان که سعی می کنم تا حسین را با کلمات بیان کنم،

متوجه می شوم که این کلمات، قادر به توصیف او نیستند.

گفتم که او حق است... او کوثر است... او با تقوا و فضیلت است...

 اما متوجه شدم که او بالاتر از همه ی اینهاست

به خدا متوسل شدم تا واژه ای را برای نشان دادن حسین به من بنمایاند.

 او به من الهام کرد که حسین، حسین است و بس


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