Oh how my heart yearns to be in your blessed shrine Ya Imam
چقدر دلم میخواهد در حرم پربرکت شما باشم یا امام
Oh how my heart yearns to be in your blessed shrine Ya Imam
چقدر دلم میخواهد در حرم پربرکت شما باشم یا امام
Imam Hasan Al-Askari (PBUH) who is from the descendant of Imam Hussain and the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has said:
“The signs of a believer are five:
1.Performing 51 units of prayer [1] [of which 17 units are the obligatory prayers and 34 units are the recommended prayers per day]
2. Pilgrimage of Imam Hussain (PBUH) on Arbaeen [the 40th day following Ashura],
3. Wearing a ring on the right hand,
4. Placing the forehead on the earth [during Sajdah in the prayer];
5. Saying “Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim” [which means “In the name of God, the compassionate, the merciful”] aloud during the prayer “[2]
[1] Each prayer or Salat in Islam consists of individual units called Rakat. Each Rakat is very similar to each other except some minor details.
[2] References: Tahzib Al-Ahkam: V.6 , P.52; Mesbah Al-mojtahid: p.73