Day of Ashura,Imam Hussain,Shia Muslim

Ashura-Shia-Imam Hussain-Karbala

Day of Ashura,Imam Hussain,Shia Muslim

Ashura-Shia-Imam Hussain-Karbala

Day of Ashura,Imam Hussain,Shia Muslim

He was not an ordinary man
His name was Hussain

He is the son of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib, 1st Shia Imam

He stood up against oppressors and he is a role model for freemen in the world
in sacrifice, freedom, liberty and resistance

We call him Imam, Imam means leader and rector

۸۷ مطلب با موضوع «Ashura» ثبت شده است

ABBAS was Imam Husayn's step-brother. 
He typifies and symbolizes bravery, religious zeal,
chivalrous politeness, and absolute obedience toward Imam Husayn.
عباس برادر ناتنی امام حسین بود
او نماد و سمبل شجاعت،غیرت مذهبی،ادب جوانمردی و اطاعت مطلق از امام حسین بود

Lady Zainab; The messemger of Ashura
O' Abbas, where were you when they tied hussein's daughters and I in chains and pushed and shoved us from city to city while husayn's head was right in front of our eyes hung on a spear dripping blood.. 
حضرت زینب؛پیام آور عاشورا
یا عباس،کجا بودی هنگامی که آنها دختران حسین و من را به غل و زنجیر کشیدند و تحت فشار قرار دادند و از شهری به شهر دیگر راندند؛در حالیکه سر حسین درست در مقابل چشمان ما بر روی نیزه بود و از آن خون می چکید

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The sermon of Lady Zainab (pbuh) to the people of Kufa "I saw nothing but beauty".. They rushed towards their graves (with honor). But know that Allah (SWT) will judge between you and them, and He will call you to account; so be worried about the winner at that day (either it will be you or them). O son of Marjanah! May your mother be mournful for you."
خطبه حضرت زینب (ص) به مردم کوفه "من چیزی جز زیبایی ندیدم" .. آنها با عجله (با افتخار) به سمت مرگ رفتند. اما بدانید که خداوند میان شما و آنان داوری کند، و او شما را برای حساب پس دادن فرامی خواند. پس نگران گروه برنده در آن روز باشید (که شما برنده اید یا آنها). ای پسر مرجانه! شاید مادرت برایت غمگین باشد.

Zainab taught us patience
زینب به ما صبر آموخت

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“For no one the heavens wept for forty days save Yahya and Hussein”

LONDON, Oct. 24 (MNA) – As Muslims around the world are once coming together to commemorate the tragedy of Karbala and the sacrifice of Imam Hussein, it is important we remember those lessons, the Prophet’s progeny sought to teach humanity - opening a path of light onto those who otherwise would continue to be lost in the darkness.
Today I feel we fail to grasp the universality of Imam Hussein’s bravery, his absolute devotion to the Word of God and the stand he made, not for himself or his family, but for mankind. As his body was pierced with a thousand arrows, as he watched his son, his brother, his kin draw their last breath in the land of Karbala, will we not recognize the message embedded in the cries his voice carried to the Heavens?

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The love of Imam Husayn lives in our hearts from our childhood .

.عشق امام حسین از کودکی در قلب های ما زنده است

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Imam Husayn and his companions' martyrdom in Ashura

is the symbol of fighting with injustice, absolutism and cruelty.

"شهادت امام حسین و یارانش در روز عاشورا نماد مبارزه با بی عدالتی، استبداد، و ظلم و ستم می باشد."

All together we accept Husayn's invitation in every language in the world.
همه با هم به هر زبانی لبیک یا حسین

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Some parts of Ziarat Nahie

قسمتی از زیارت ناحیه مقدسه

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