Day of Ashura,Imam Hussain,Shia Muslim

Ashura-Shia-Imam Hussain-Karbala

Day of Ashura,Imam Hussain,Shia Muslim

Ashura-Shia-Imam Hussain-Karbala

Day of Ashura,Imam Hussain,Shia Muslim

He was not an ordinary man
His name was Hussain

He is the son of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib, 1st Shia Imam

He stood up against oppressors and he is a role model for freemen in the world
in sacrifice, freedom, liberty and resistance

We call him Imam, Imam means leader and rector

 Peace be upon the loneliest of the lonely.
سلام بر غریبِ غریبان
 Peace be upon the (greatest) martyr of all martyrs.
سلام بر شهیدِ شهیدان
Peace be upon him, who was slain by the individuals of illegitimate birth.
سلام بر مقتولِ دشمنان 
 Peace be upon the one who is at rest in Karbala.
سلام بر ساکنِ کربلاء 
Peace be upon the one for whom the heavenly Angels wept.
سلام بر آن کسى که فرشتگانِ آسمان بر او گریستند

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To support you, thousands vowed,
To make Islam and history proud,
Then the hour came, and loyalty hid behind a cloud,
And none remained from the Kufan crowd,
Leaving the master, to be struck in prayer as he bowed…
Ah! Struck in prayer on the blood red desert sand as he bowed…

Ali Asghar the infant and Sakinah the innocent daughter,
Thirsty and deprived of even a drop of water,
Hearts break, and the mother falls into a swoon at his slaughter,
And the pure blood, trickling to the desert floor made it hotter…
Ah! The burning blood red desert sand growing hotter…

Al Hussain will be weakened by the loss of his brother, as his helpers grew less,
But al Abbaas cannot return to the camp, after so much hope, waterless
Despite the triumphant cries of war, there is a shocked moment of quietness
As the lion son of a lion is felled for standing by righteousness
Dhuljanaah returns to the camp, head bowed, rider-less…
Ah! The horse returns, from the blood red desert sand rider-less…

Those who called you to save them scattered,
When the order of Yazid in blood was lettered.
Nothing else could have mattered,
When every inch of me was bruised and battered,
And the core of my soul, broken, shattered,
At the sight of your innocent blood, upon the earth splattered…
Ah! The innocent blood, on the blood red desert sand splattered…

This deserted land, that witnessed the fray,
In the battle to the death, between justice and play,
Where for the last time this earth witnessed my master Hussain pray,
Before his severed head, un-cradled, on the burning desert lay,
And the haunting echoes of Sakinah’s farewell play.
Here my soul will live and die, here my heart will stay…
Ah! On this blood red desert sand my heart will forever stay!
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Millions of pilgrims from all over the world are walking the distance between Imam Hussein Shrine and Al Abbas Mausoleum in Karbala, Iraq, to commiserate the 40th day after the martyrdom anniversary of the third Shia Imam.

Arbaeen 2015- Karbala

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There are millions people.

Proud to say I am a part of this enormous crowd.

He's not the one .

He's not only the Imam.

He is the way and the life.

living for the truth.That's what I like.

I myself try to follow him.

It means that I try to find the truth and justice. And it's the best.

It's make me happy.

you can find out  many new things about yourself and Imam Husayn when you are walking.

It's difficult but if you are alone and you don't speak with others , you can speak with yourself,walk and clear your mind.

It' spiritual journey .Demonstrating the love.

When there is love ,it doesn't matter how hard problem is.

Claudia Borja

Pretty soon many people who love Husayn will get together in the holy city of Karbala on Arbaeen.

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Imam Hussain pbuh :

Disgrace is Far From Us

هیهات منا الذله

ذلت از ما دور است

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طاووس writes :
In the last year, I was only a virtual visitor of Arbaeen epic, sitting behind my laptop and insert some photos of Imam Hussain’s pilgrims into my blog and so on, but this year I’m going to be among  millions of pilgrims on the way to Karbala despite what I heard about the ISIL terrorist group.

Actually when I searched about ISIL and found that these fake Muslims cut men’s heads and sale their women as sex slaves, I decided not to travel to Karbala for Arbaeen as a girl but I thought: if you wish you would be on the day of Ashura in karbala helping the prophet Muhammad’s grandson, this time is the exact time to help. Arbaeen is the time we can introduce Hussain to the world by gathering more and more in Karbala and thus we can help the reappearance of Imam Mahdi by that as Imam Mahdi will introduce himself to the world by Imam Hussain (PBUH).

Moreover, when you really loved someone, it does not matter you were in dangers. Walking on Arbaeen toward the holy shrine of Imam Hussain is a way to show our love to Imam Hussain and his descendant, Imam Mahdi. Arbaeen is also a way to memorize how much difficulties Zainab and Hussain’s children tolerate as they were captive toward Karbala, So I tried to overcome my fear and “rely on God, he suffices as trustee” [33:3]

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Oh how my heart yearns to be in your blessed shrine Ya Imam
چقدر دلم میخواهد در حرم پربرکت شما باشم یا امام

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Imam Hussain pbuh is The Ship of Rescue

Lady Zeinab pbuh is the statue of Patience

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