Day of Ashura,Imam Hussain,Shia Muslim

Ashura-Shia-Imam Hussain-Karbala

Day of Ashura,Imam Hussain,Shia Muslim

Ashura-Shia-Imam Hussain-Karbala

Day of Ashura,Imam Hussain,Shia Muslim

He was not an ordinary man
His name was Hussain

He is the son of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib, 1st Shia Imam

He stood up against oppressors and he is a role model for freemen in the world
in sacrifice, freedom, liberty and resistance

We call him Imam, Imam means leader and rector



Peace be upon Abraham

This is how we reward those who do good (37:109-110)

سلام علی ابراهیم 
کذلک نجزی المحسنین (۳۷:۱۰۹،۱۱۰)

Ebrahim Raisi who was #Martyred on the way of his country and Islam and the people

۰ Comment موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۰۲ خرداد ۰۳ ، ۱۶:۵۰

A large group of pilgrims break their fast in holy shrine of Imam Reza (AS) in Iran’s northeastern holy city of Mashhad.

۲ Comment موافقین ۲ مخالفین ۰ ۰۷ خرداد ۹۷ ، ۱۷:۵۰

Fasting during the month of Ramadhan


A unique moral and spiritual characteristic of Islam is the prescribed institution of Fasting or Siyam in Arabic. Literally defined, fasting means to abstain completely from foods, drinks, sex, and smoking, before break of the dawn till sunset, during the entire lunar month of Ramadhan, the ninth month of the Islamic year.


۱ Comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ ۰۷ خرداد ۹۷ ، ۱۷:۳۱

A Short Biography of Imam Mahdi (aj)

Hazrat Imam Mahdi (aj) is the twelfth and last of the chain of the Purified Imams (as) and the divine successors. He was born at the time of dawn, on Friday the 15th of Shaban 255 A.H. in the city of Samarrah1.

His respected father is Imam Hasan al-Askari (as). His beloved mother is Janab al-Nargis Khatoon (ra). She was the descendant of the Caesar of Rome from her father's side and from her mother's side she had descended from shamoon the vicegerant of Hazrat Isa (as).2


۰ Comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ ۰۷ خرداد ۹۷ ، ۱۷:۰۱

Imam Hussain (PBUH): 

"Beware that the people’s need of you, are the God’s gifts to you. Thus do not become tired of these gifts"

Bihar al-Anvar, vol.74, p.205

امام حسین علیه السلام:

 اعلموا ان حوائج الناس الیکم من نعم الله. علیکم فلاتمولوا النعم  

بدانید که نیاز مردم به شما از نعمت هاى خدا بر شما است ؛ از این نعمت ها افسرده و بیزار نباشید

(بحار الانوار، ج 74، صفحه 205)

ٌWho is Imam Hussain?

Imam Hussain was the prophet Muhammad’s grandson and the third Shia Imam who was killed and beheaded along with all 72 of his companions on the day of Ashura at Karbala. He sacrificed all he had to survive the humanity from utter distortions

۲ Comment موافقین ۲ مخالفین ۰ ۲۶ آذر ۹۶ ، ۱۵:۵۳

اهدای خون در روز عاشورا به جای قمه زنی.

 امام حسین و عاشورای واقعی را به جهان معرفی کنیم. 

کمپین اهدای خون شیعه

Shia blood donors

۲ Comment موافقین ۲ مخالفین ۰ ۰۸ مهر ۹۶ ، ۲۰:۵۵

۰ Comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ ۰۸ مهر ۹۶ ، ۲۰:۴۰

۰ Comment موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۰۸ مهر ۹۶ ، ۲۰:۳۵

Tatbir is one of the wrong doings. I know some will say: “It would have been proper if he had not talked about Tatbir.” They will say: “What do you have to do with Tatbir? Some people practice it, let them do so!” No! One cannot remain silent towards such a wrong action.

It is wrong that some people hold daggers and hit themselves on the head to bleed. What are they seeking?! How can this be an act of mourning?! Of course hitting on the head with one’s hands is a sign of mourning. You have seen it several times that when people face suffering, they hit on their chests and heads. This is a typical symbol of mourning. But where have you ever seen a person who is suffering from the loss of a dear one, hit on their head with a dagger and make it bleed?! How can this be a form of mourning?

Tatbir [Qame Zani] is a fabricated tradition. It is among the issues that does not belong to the religion and undoubtedly God is not also pleased with such a practice.

The more I thought about it, the more truly I realized I cannot overlook informing our dear people about Tatbir- which is certainly an act of wrongdoing and a heresy. Do not practice it! I do not approve of it. If someone does something to pretend that they want to practice Tatbir, I will be truly dissatisfied with them. I am declaring this solemnly.

The Leader of Islamic Ummah and Oppressed People Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei, June 07, 1994

۲ Comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ ۰۸ مهر ۹۶ ، ۲۰:۲۸

Hussain (PBUH) in the Bible


Who is “stronger” than John the Baptist?

The holy books of Abrahamic faiths are God’s guidelines for nations. The divine call of these powerful words, has passed the limits of time and space and will forever last. In this article we will analyze parts of Torah and bible in which various predictions exist and the secrets of which will only be revealed through the passing of time or the detailed analyzation of words and phrases.

Please read full Article below... 

۲ Comment موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۰۲ مهر ۹۶ ، ۱۴:۱۶

Imam Hussain (as)--the man who resisted, on his own, a world of opposition and a large population of wolf-likes and feared not a bit--was so moved in the face of emotional issues in a manner that would amaze us.

For instance, when John, the Ethiopian companion of Imam Hussain (as) was wounded during the battle and collapsed, Imam rushed to him. This brave African man was one of the sincerest adherents of the Ahlul Bayt, so he joined the companions of Imam Hussain (as). He might have been considered a very typical person in terms of his financial and social status, particularly among Arabs of that time, and not one of these well-known individuals.

Imam (as) rushed to him and sat by his side, in his time of need. John had no acquaintances, no children. No one was awaiting him, he had no one to weep and mourn over him. Hussain Ibn Ali (as) was so moved by John’s martyrdom, in the same manner he was moved by the martyrdom of his son, Ali Akbar. He sat by him. Imam held John’s head—covered in blood—on his lap, but his heart wouldn’t sooth. Then everyone saw Imam Hussain (as) holding John’s face to his own face.
During the battle of Karbala many warriors were martyred. Great figures of Kufa like Habib Ibn Madhahir, Zuhair Ib Yaqin, others who were among the noble and well-known men of Kufa were martyred while supporting Imam Hussain (as). However, Imam Hussain (as) did not react to the martyrdom of these outstanding figures of Kufa, not even Habib Ibn Madhahir or Moslim Ibn Awsaja, the way he reacted to the martyrdom of his courageous African companion, John.

~Ayatollah Khamenei, October 12, 1984

۰ Comment موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۰۲ مهر ۹۶ ، ۱۴:۱۰

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۰ Comment موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۰۱ مهر ۹۶ ، ۱۳:۲۸

۰ Comment موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۰۱ مهر ۹۶ ، ۱۳:۱۹

?When is the International Hosseini infant gathering`s day

روز همایش جهانی شیرخوارگان حسینی چه روزی است؟

?When is the global day of Ali Asghar

روز جهانی علی اصغر چه روزی است؟

Do you know that Imam husayn`s enemies didn`t let him and his family drink any water, even his 6-mounth-old son? 

آیا می دانید که دشمنان امام حسین به او و خانواده اش اجازه ی نوشیدن ندادند؟ حتی به پسر 6 

ماهه اش؟

More Images...

۱ Comment موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۰۱ مهر ۹۶ ، ۱۱:۲۹

Hussain is from me and I am from Hussain. God loves who loves Hussain.

prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Sunan al-Termizi, V.6, No.3775

قال رسول الله صلی الله علیه و آله

حسین منی و انا من حسین. احب الله من احب حسینا

حسین از من است و من از حسین هستم. هرکس که حسین را دوست بدارد، خدا او را دوست می دارد.

سنن ترمذی، ج 6، حدیث 3775

۰ Comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ ۰۱ مهر ۹۶ ، ۱۰:۴۶

Iraq, Najaf, Holy Shrine of Imam Ali PBUH

۱ Comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ ۱۸ شهریور ۹۶ ، ۰۲:۵۲

Ten years after the migration, the Messenger of Allah ordered to his close followers to call all the people in different places to join him in his last pilgrimage. On this pilgrimage he taught them how to perform the pilgrimage in a correct and unified form. This was first time that the Muslims with this magnitude gathered in one place in the presence of their leader, the Messenger of Allah. On his way to Mecca, more than seventy thousand people followed Prophet (S). On the fourth day of Dhul-Hajjah more than one hundred thousand Muslims had entered Mecca.

۰ Comment موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۱۸ شهریور ۹۶ ، ۰۲:۲۷

In the Name of Allah, the Source of General Mercy to all Humanity, the Source of Specific Grace to the Believers

Peace be upon you O’ Aba ‘Abdillah; Peace be upon you O’ son of the Messenger of Allah; Peace be upon you O’ son of the Commander of the Faithful and the son of the leader of the inheritors (of the Prophet); Peace be upon you O’ son of Fatimah, the leader of the women of the entire Universe.

أَلسَّلاَمُ عَلَیْکَ یَا أَبَا عَبْدِ اللّٰهِ، أَلسَّلاَمُ عَلَیْکَ یَا بْنَ رَسُولِ اللّٰهِ، أَلسَّلاَمُ عَلَیْکَ یَا بْنَ أَمِیرِ الْـمُؤْمِنِینَ، وَابْنَ سَیِّدِ الْوَصِیِّینَ،أَلسَّلاَمُ عَلَیْکَ یَا بْنَ فَاطِمَةَ سَیِّدَةِ نِسآءِ الْعالَـمِینَ،

۱ Comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ ۲۸ بهمن ۹۵ ، ۲۱:۱۵

Hussain ibn Ali was the grandson of Muhammad (the last prophet of Islam), born in 620 AD to a family famed for their values of love, honour and peace. Hussain was a leader who was known widely for his compassion, wisdom and integrity. Not long after the death of Muhammad, the Muslim empire had slid into political turmoil and corruption as Yazid (from the Ummayad dynasty) usurped power and slowly began destroying the moral fabric of society...

۰ Comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ ۲۸ بهمن ۹۵ ، ۱۲:۲۳

مهدی موعود (عجل الله)، مردی از نسل حسین (علیه السلام) است

The promised Mahdi is a man from the descendant of Husayn

۰ Comment موافقین ۲ مخالفین ۱ ۱۷ بهمن ۹۵ ، ۱۱:۳۴

My heart repeats your name, Hossein,
in every beat, in every beat;
My mind reveals your aim Hossein,
in every way, in every way;
My eyes, my eyes, receive your light, Hossein,
in every ray, in every ray.
Hossein… Hossein… O my Hossein
Some say Hossein is Only Way,
I say the way’s only Hossein;
Some say Hossein is one Imam,
I say Imamate means Hossein;
Some say Hossein has saved Islam,
I say Islam is but Hossein…
Hossein… Hossein… O my Hossein
We want najaat:
answer’s Hossein;
We want hayaat:
it’s by Hossein;
We want falaah:
only Hossein .
Hossein… Hossein… O my Hossein
Poem by: Ali Azimi

۵ Comment موافقین ۲ مخالفین ۱ ۱۶ شهریور ۹۵ ، ۰۹:۵۰

یا حسین! تو سزاوار آن هستی که همه چشم ها بر تو بگریند. 

By my father and my mother, oh Husayn, you deserve to be cried for, by every eye

Oh Husayn of patience, the mountain of consolation, you made all the prophets cry And the earth and the heavens cried with grief and sorrow; and sadness had flown and prevailed the east and the west

By Mustafa Al-Naeb

۰ Comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ ۱۶ شهریور ۹۵ ، ۰۹:۲۸

Tatbir is forbidden (Haram) in Islam. Great Shia scholars such as grand Ayatullah Khamenei who is the leader of Islamic Republic of Iran and Ayatullah Sistani, the Shia Leader in Iraq, have prohibited any self-mutilation such as self-flagellation with knives or chains (Tatbir) and even walking on fire. You can see their Fatwas (religious opinions) on

“Practicing Tatbir (i.e.self-flagellation) is one of the wrongdoings. I know that some people would say: “It was better for him not to mention Tatbir.” They would say: “Why do you bother with Tatbir? Some people do it, let them do!”. No! it’s not right to remain silent toward such a wrong action…

It is wrong that some people hold daggers and hit themselves on the head to bleed. What are they seeking?! How can this be an act of mourning?! Of course hitting on the head with one’s hands is a sign of mourning. You have seen it several times that when people face suffering, they hit on their chests and heads. This is a typical symbol of mourning. But where have you ever seen a person who is suffering from the loss of a dear one, hit on their head with a dagger and make it bleed?! How can this be an act of mourning?
Tatbir is a fabricated tradition. It is among the issues that does not belong to the religion and undoubtedly God is not also pleased with such a practice.
The more I thought about it, the more truly I realized I cannot overlook informing our dear people about Tatbir which is certainly an act of wrongdoing and a heresy. Do not practice it! I do not approve of it. If someone does something to pretend that they want to practice Tatbir, I will be truly dissatisfied with them. I am declaring this solemnly.”

-Imam Khamenei’s saying in 1994

The following questions are also replied by Grand Ayatullah Khamenei :

Question 1449: In commemorating the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (PBUH) on the tenth of Muharram, some people hit themselves with a machete, or walk bare-footed on fire. Such actions defame Shi‘ism and put it in a bad light, if not undermine it. They cause bodily and spiritual harms on these doing it as well. What is your opinion in this matter?
Answer: Any practice that causes bodily harm, or leads to defaming the faith, is haram(forbidden). Accordingly, the believers have to steer clear of it. There is no doubt that many of these practices besmirch the image of Ahlul Bayt’s (PBUH) School of Thought which is the worst damage and loss.

Question 1450: Is hitting oneself with swords halal (allowed) if it is done in secret? Or is your fatwa in this regard universal?

Answer: “In addition to the fact that it is not held in the common view as manifestations of mourning and grief and it has no precedent at the lifetime of the Imams (a.s.) and even after that and we have not received any tradition quoted from the Infallibles (a.s.) about any support for this act, beit privately or publicly, this practice would, at the present time, give others a bad image of our school of thought. Therefore, there is no way that it can be considered permissible.”

See more Fatwas at 

Click here  to see an official religious opinion (fatwas) of Ayatullah sistani about self-flagellation with knives or chains.

۰ Comment موافقین ۲ مخالفین ۱ ۳۱ تیر ۹۵ ، ۱۳:۰۵

Peace be upon Her, the messenger of karbala
Peace be upon Her, lady of patience.
Peace be upon Her, The keeper of the messages of karbala

سلام بر بانوی پیام اور کربلا
سلام بر بانوی صبرو استقامت
سلام بر حافظ پیام کربلا

The spirit of Zainab (p.b.u.h.) will live forever. 

Her courage, forbearance, 
and submission will continue to inspire
 those who hear her story for all time to come.
۳ Comment موافقین ۲ مخالفین ۱ ۰۲ تیر ۹۵ ، ۰۱:۲۷

 Peace be upon the (greatest) martyr of all martyrs.
سلام بر شهیدِ شهیدان

۲ Comment موافقین ۳ مخالفین ۰ ۰۳ فروردين ۹۵ ، ۱۶:۲۹

Oh how my heart yearns to be in your blessed shrine Ya Imam

۸ Comment موافقین ۶ مخالفین ۰ ۲۶ آذر ۹۴ ، ۰۱:۲۴

To describe Ali-Akbar's personality is enough that not only his friends
respect him ,but also even his enemies admire him

Imam Hussain :I looked at the Ali-Akbar's face anytime 
I missed ,my grandfather the messenger of God

He is the man who is the most similar to the last prophet in appearance manner and speech

When his son ALI AKBAR wanted to go to the battle field, IMAM HUSSAIN said:
Oh God, be witness that I send them a person who looked just like your prophet in appearance, manner and eloquence and we look at him when we miss your prophet.
۰ Comment موافقین ۴ مخالفین ۰ ۲۶ آذر ۹۴ ، ۰۰:۴۴

Imam Hussain pbuh :

Far from us is Disgrace

هیهات منا الذله

ذلت از ما دور است

۰ Comment موافقین ۴ مخالفین ۰ ۲۶ آذر ۹۴ ، ۰۰:۳۱

The call of the purity 
The essence of justice
The embodiment of hope
The lion of Ali
The protector of Husayn
The guard of zainab

Abbas stayed extremely faithful

(It was beyond God's expectations of us and our ability to be loyal)

۰ Comment موافقین ۳ مخالفین ۰ ۲۶ آذر ۹۴ ، ۰۰:۲۴

Who is Holy Ali Asghar?

He was the infant of Imam Husayn(the third Shia Imam)and Holy Rubab.
In the event of Karbala when Imam Husayn saw his companions and friends were martyred and nobody is ther.
He decided to enter the battle and said:
Is there anybody to defend the family of God`s prophet?
Is there any worshiper of God to fear of the Lord?
Is there anyone to help us for God?
Imam Husayn went next to the tent."please give me my infant. I want to tell him goodbye too" He said his sister;Zainab.
Zainab s.a gave him the baby. Ali Asghar was thirsty and hungry.
Imam Husayn was a man of great love and compassion.
He wanted to kiss the baby that suddenly he was shot by an arrow.
One of the enemies shot an arrow that pierced his throat.
He took his hands under his throat. He filled his hands with his blood and threw it to the sky.
No drops of his blood fell down on the ground.
The first Friday of Muharram
In more than 3500 places around the world and Iran,
Mothers mourn for the martyr infant (Ali Asghar ) of Karbala ,
along with their infants.
This ceremony is called the global day of Ali Asghar.
Daesh militants who are the enemies of Imam Husayn
have killed Muslims ,including women and children.

۲ Comment موافقین ۳ مخالفین ۰ ۲۵ آذر ۹۴ ، ۱۳:۱۶
۰ Comment موافقین ۲ مخالفین ۰ ۲۵ آذر ۹۴ ، ۱۲:۴۸

Ya Abbas the loyalty you showed is the Greatest example to the whole of mankind 
Ya Babul Hawaij
Speech between Imam Husayn and Hazrat Abbas

یا عباس، وفاداری که تو از خود نشان دادی بزرگترین نمونه ی آن در بین تمام انسان ها است.
یا باب الحوائج
گفت و گوی بین امام حسین و حضرت عباس

۰ Comment موافقین ۳ مخالفین ۰ ۲۱ آذر ۹۴ ، ۲۳:۳۲

Some part of Ziarat of Nahie :

The enemy then surrounded you from all sides,
 weakened you by inflicting wounds,
 prevented you from taking any repose,
 and you had no helper remaining.
 You were bereaved yet patient,
 defending your women and children,
 until they caused you to fall from your horse.
 You fell to the ground, wounded,
 horses trampled you with their hooves,
 tyrants raised their swords against you,
 the sweat of death appeared on your forehead,
 and you continually clenched and unclenched your hands,
 secretly gazing upon your caravan and tents,
while trapped by yourself away from your children and family.
(At that time,) your horse distractedly galloped towards your camp, neighing and crying.
 When the women saw your horse distraught,
 and observed your saddle contorted,
 they came from the tents,
 disheveling their hair,
 striking their now unveiled cheeks,
 calling you by lamenting and wailing,
 being humiliated after being honored,
 hastening to where you lay wounded.
 At that time Shimr (L) was sitting on your chest,
 quenching his sword with (the blood of) your throat,
 grabbing your beard with his hand,
 as he slew you with his sword.
 Your faculties faded,
 your breath became shallow and ceased,
 and your head was raised onto a spear.
 Your family were captured like slaves,
 bound with iron chains atop camels,
 with midday heat scorching their faces.
 They were driven across deserts and wastelands,
 with their hands chained to their necks,
 and were paraded around the markets.
 Woe be unto the wicked transgressors!
Certainly, by killing you, they have killed Islam
۱ Comment موافقین ۲ مخالفین ۰ ۲۱ آذر ۹۴ ، ۲۳:۲۴

Some part of Ziarat of Nahie :

After you, your progeny were captured,

and adversity befell your family and your offspring.
Indeed, the Messenger (PBUH HF) became distressed and his depressed heart wept,
The Angels and the prophets offered their condolences to him for your martyrdom,
Your mother, al-Zahra, became distressed and bereft of you,
Legions of favored Angels came in waves to offer their condolences to your father, the Leader of the Faithful,
Mourning commemorations were held for you in the utmost exalted place Heaven,
and the dark-eyed Maidens (of Paradise) hit their own heads and faces in grief,
The skies and their inhabitants wept,
as did Paradise and its keepers,
the mountains and their surroundings,
the oceans and their fishes,
the heavens and their servants,
the House (Ka’ba), and the Station (of Abraham),
the Sacred Monument,
and Mecca and its sanctuary.
۰ Comment موافقین ۲ مخالفین ۰ ۲۱ آذر ۹۴ ، ۲۳:۱۸
۰ Comment موافقین ۳ مخالفین ۰ ۲۱ آذر ۹۴ ، ۲۱:۰۷
۰ Comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ ۲۰ آذر ۹۴ ، ۲۲:۰۳

Pilgrims from over 60 countries have converged on the Iraqi holy city of Karbala to attend mourning rituals marking Arbaeen, the 40th day after martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussein (AS).

۰ Comment موافقین ۳ مخالفین ۰ ۲۰ آذر ۹۴ ، ۲۱:۵۳
۰ Comment موافقین ۲ مخالفین ۰ ۲۰ آذر ۹۴ ، ۱۶:۴۴
۰ Comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ ۲۰ آذر ۹۴ ، ۱۶:۳۲
۰ Comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ ۲۰ آذر ۹۴ ، ۱۵:۱۱
۰ Comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ ۲۰ آذر ۹۴ ، ۱۴:۴۹

Peace be upon Rughaye,3 year old daughter of Imam Hussain,who has died when saw her father's cutted Head...

بـاَبـی أَنـت وَ اُمی یَا بْن رَسـُولِ اللهِ یا ابـا عـَبـدِ اللهِ

My father and mother be sacrificed for you, O son of the Messenger of Allah! My father and mother be sacrificed for you, O Aboo Abdullah!

۰ Comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ ۲۰ آذر ۹۴ ، ۱۳:۱۱
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2th of December 2015


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...Ali Asghar, 6 Mounths son of Imam Hussain, Who Martyred Thirsty

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Arba'een (Arabic: الأربعین‎, "forty"), Chehelom (Persian: چهلم‎‎, the fortieth [day]") is a Shia Muslim religious observance that occurs forty days after the Day of Ashura. It commemorates the martyrdom of Hussain ibn Ali, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (PBUT), which falls on the 20th day of the month of Safar. Imam Hussain ibn Ali and 72 companions were martyred by tyrant Yazid I's army in the Battle of Karbala in 61 AH (680 CE). Arbaeen is one of the largest pilgrimage gatherings on Earth, in which up to 30 million people go to the city of Karbala in Iraq.

Arbaeen is the world's largest annual gathering, with the number of pilgrims far exceeding the two million visitors who descend on Mecca for the Hajj. The Kumbh Mela, a mass Hindu pilgrimage, attracts more pilgrims but is held only every three years.

Photos by: Zaheer Abbas Sherazi 

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